
Our Mission

The mission of the Postdoc Academy is to create a comprehensive and flexible professional development program targeting the needs of postdocs. Our goal is to help postdocs develop the transferable skills that will enable their success in a diverse set of careers.

Our Team

The Postdoc Academy is being developed by a team at Boston University, Michigan State University, University of Wisconsin-Madison, and Northwestern University. In addition to the strengths that each team member brings to the project, our institutions combined represent four high-quality research institutions with over 3,000 postdocs combined.

Sarah Chobot Hokanson, PhD – Principal Investigator

Assistant Provost for Professional Development and Postdoctoral Affairs
Boston University

Bennett Goldberg, PhD – Principal Investigator

Director of Searle Center for Advancing Learning and Teaching; Assistant Provost for Learning and Teaching; Professor of Physics and Astronomy
Northwestern University

Celine Young, PhD – Program Director

Professional Development and Postdoctoral Affairs
Boston University

Denise Drane, PhD – Co-Investigator

Director of Research and Evaluation at the Searle Center for Advancing Learning and Teaching
Northwestern University

Rick McGee, PhD – Co-Investigator

Associate Dean for Professional Development; Professor of Medical Education
Northwestern University

Olivia Chesniak, PhD – Postdoc

Searle Center for Advancing Learning and Teaching
Northwestern University

Henry (Rique) Campa III, PhD – Co-Investigator

Associate Dean of the Graduate School; Professor of Fisheries and Wildlife
Michigan State University

Antonio Nunez, PhD – Co-Investigator

Associate Dean of the Graduate School; Professor of Psychology
Michigan State University

Robin Greenler, MS – Co-Investigator

Director of Outreach & Cross-Network Initiatives, CIRTL
University of Wisconsin – Madison

Jessica Maher, PhD – Co-Investigator

Associate Director of the Delta Program
University of Wisconsin – Madison

Noah Green, PhD – Course Builder

Green Scientific and Educational Consulting

Daniel McQuillen – Software Developer

McQuillen Interactive

Christina Van Vleck, MFA – Graphic Designer

C. Van Vleck Design

Kevin Gonzales – Grant Administrator

Boston University

Our Funders and Partners

The Postdoc Academy is supported by NIGMS of the National Institutes of Health under award number R25GM121257. The content is solely the responsibility of the Postdoc Academy team and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.

We are partnered with organizations, such as the National Research Mentor Network (NRMN) and the National Postdoctoral Association (NPA). Partnering with national organizations, professional societies, and research networks is critical to ensure the Postdoc Academy is accessible to a diverse postdoc population nationwide.

Contact Us

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Feel free to contact the Postdoc Academy team at postdocacademy@gmail.com or using this form.